Past Events - Ottawa

Dec 04, 2018
Career Opportunities in Immunization and Public Health
This event provided graduate-level scientists and trainees in Ottawa and those HQPs attending the Canadian Immunization Conference an opportunity to better understand career opportunities in immunization and public health. The Ottawa Chapter of the Science to Business Network (S2BN; www.s2bn.org) in partnership with Canadian Association for Immunization Research and Evaluation (CAIRE) and the Canadian Public Health Association (CPHA) hosted a panel discussion and networking event around the theme of “Career Opportunities in Immunization and Public Health”. Over 45 participants attended this event.
The objectives of the panel discussion were to:
· Provide an overview of the Canadian trends and current issues around immunization.
· Discuss the career paths of a panel of professionals working in public health, government, and industry.
Tuesday, December 4th, 2018 from 6:30 - 9:30 pm
Heart & Crown (Byward Market), 67 Clarence St, Ottawa, ON K1N 5P5, Canada
6:30 - 7:00 – Registration
7:00 - 8:00 – Panel Discussion
8:00 - 9:00 – Networking
Event Objective: To provide trainees and high-qualified personnel an opportunity to better understand career opportunities in immunization, public health and industry.
Format: A one-hour panel discussion with 4 panellists (David Willer - GlaxoSmithKline; Maria Baca-Estrada - Health Canada; Chandni Sondagar - Canadian Public Health Association; Beate Sander - Population Health Economics Research (PHER), Toronto General Hospital Research Institute) who provided an overview of the immunization landscape and their career journeys.
Moderated/Hosted by Dr. Bruce Seet (S2BN Canada, President and Founder).

Nov 22, 2018
Speed Networking
The Ottawa Chapter of the S2BN in partnership with the BMIGSA hosted a speed networking event with industry and government professionals for students on Thursday, November 22nd, 2018. Students received a chance to interact, and learn about potential career opportunities in government and industry from experts including Daniel Figeys (Professor and Chair, Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology, uOttawa), Scott McComb (Research Officer, National Research Council & Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Medicine, uOttawa), Joan McCormick (Principal, Price Regulation Consulting, IQVIA (Canada)), Leila Bocksch (Senior Policy Advisor, Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat), Kim Ryel (Senior Business Development Strategist - Healthcare, Invest Ottawa), Subhadeep Chakrabarti (Scientific Evaluator, Health Canada), Yves Aubin (Research Scientist, Health Canada), and Jordan Shupka (Human Resources Advisor, Health Canada). Over 60 students, Postdocs and working professionals attended this event.
Thursday, November 22nd, 2018 from 5:30 - 9:00pm
5225 Critical Care Wing, 501 Smyth Road, Ottawa, ON
Registration: 5:30pm
Main Networking event: 6:00 – 9:00pm
Light refreshments were provided.
Cost: Free for students.

Nov 06, 2018
Resumé Workshop
Science trainees seeking career opportunities outside academia may find it difficult to communicate their skills and accomplishments in a way that makes it easy for hiring managers to appreciate their potential for impact on organizations. Through an intensive resumé workshop, participants were challenged to translate their experiences in a way that highlights their career potential.
The workshop consisted of two 2-hour sessions held on Tuesday, November 6th and Tuesday, November 13th from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm (location TBD at RGN Campus of uOttawa). There was no cost for registration.
A limited number of spaces were available, and preference was given to senior-level students/postdocs who were pursuing a career in industry. Successful applicants were expected to participate actively in both 2-hour sessions, and commit 1 hour of preparation time.
The workshop was facilitated by Piriya Yoganathan and Donna D'Souza.
We would like to thank our partner Science Career Impact (http://sciencecareerimpact.org) for their training and assistance in setting up the workshop.
This workshop was intended as a mentorship activity by the Ottawa Chapter of S2BN and was not intended to solicit job applications to any company or organization.

Sep 27, 2018
Exploring Career Development Oppourtunities with Mitacs
The Ottawa Chapter of S2BN held an evening career development session with Dan Madularu (Ph.D.) the Business Development Specialist at Mitacs Ottawa. Participants learned about the array of programs Mitacs offers for students. An interactive Q&A session followed presentations.
Thursday, September 27th, 2018 from 6:30 - 8:00pm
uOttawa Grad House (601 Cumberland St) Room 307
6:30pm Presentation about Mitacs programs, lead by Dan Madularu
7:30pm Q&A session
Cost: Free for graduate trainees and post-docs.
Speaker Biography:
Dan Madularu has been the Mitacs Business Development Specialist in Ottawa since 2017. In this role, he liaises between academia and industry partners to find and establish innovative research collaborations. Dan completed his BSc and MSc at Carleton University and then completed a Ph.D. in Psychology at Concordia University’s Centre for Studies in Behavioural Neurobiology. Before joining Mitacs, Dan was a Postdoctoral Fellow at Douglas Hospital’s Brain Imaging Center, and a Visiting Scientist at Northeastern University in Boston, MA.

Jun 12, 2018
A Career in Government
The Ottawa Chapter of S2BN held an evening career information session with Leila Bocksch (M.Sc., MBA) a Senior Policy Advisor at Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat. During this session, Leila highlighted her career path from a MSc to landing a rewarding career in government. She also discussed relevant skills desired by government, the types of rewarding career paths within government, and how to apply for positions.
Highlight transferable skills required for success in government
Profiles the types of rewarding career paths within government
Discuss tips and advice on applying
Tuesday, June 19th, 2018 from 6:00 - 8:00pm
uOttawa Grad House (601 Cumberland St) Room 307
6:00pm Registration
6:30pm Speaker
7:30pm Networking
Cost: Free for graduate trainees and post-docs.
Speaker Biography:
Leila Bocksch is a Senior Policy Advisor for the Regulatory Cooperation Council (RCC) Secretariat within the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat. She assists in efforts to better align our international regulatory environment to address root causes of regulatory misalignments, develop lasting solutions and to avoid future misalignments from developing. Leila has a Master’s degree in Microbiology & immunology for the University of Western Ontario and she holds a Master’s degree in Business Administration from Queen’s University.
Leila has 10+ years of experience in federal public health policy, being previously employed with Health Canada and was appointed to the board of the Sandy Hill Community Health Center in June 2017 and serves on the Emerging Issues Committee.
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