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Meet Our Kingston Team 

The S2BN team at Queen's University works collaboratively to host events for graduate students looking to enhance their skillset and prepare themselves for the workforce after completing their graduate studies.

Contact the Queen's S2BN Chapter at:


Nathan Holwell


PhD Candidate

I am in my final year of my PhD in Chemical Engineering developing a novel construct for ligament, specifically the ACL, replacement. I became aware of S2BN through their events on campus and wanted to contribute my own skills to make this organization reach a broader audience. I hope to improve the communication of scientific discoveries through relatable and understandable language.


Julia Barilo


PhD Student

I am a second year PhD student looking at investigating the innate immune responses of alternatively activated macrophages to LCMV infection. I’ve been part of S2BN for 3 years now and am happy to lead the team as one of the co-presidents. I hope to help as many students as I can learn more about different fields and how to transition from academia to industry post graduate school. 

Leadership Team
Partnershisps Team

Sakura Koner

Partnerships Director

PhD Student

I am a first year PhD student in Biomedical and Molecular Sciences looking at the role of ocular surface microbiome in the development of dry eye disease pathology. I became aware of S2BN at Queen's University through their numerous impactful events. I joined S2BN to contribute to improving outreach amongst students regarding careers opportunities after STEM degrees and to make science more accessible.


Shaina Smith

Partnerships Coordinator

MSc Student

I am in my final year of my Master’s degree in Experimental Medicine exploring the health and environmental impacts of data centres and artificial intelligence. I joined S2BN to assist fellow students by improving the transparency and understanding of the future employment opportunities available to them after graduation.

Marketing Team

Ujjwal Sangwan

Marketing Director

MSc Student

I am a second year Master's student working to understand how cyclophilin inhibitors enhance antiviral immune responses against positive-sense RNA virus infection. I've joined S2BN to bridge the gap between academia and industry. Currently I am working to enhance brand awareness among graduate students within Queen's University through strategic online content.


Yun Choi

Marketing Coordinator

MSc Student

As a first-year Masters student in Chemical Engineering, I joined S2BN to bridge the gap between science and business, ensuring a smooth transition for graduate students into the corporate world. I aim to help students understand the challenges they may face post-graduation and provide valuable insights for a successful transition


Montse Mora

Marketing Coordinator

MSc Student

I am a second year PhD student studying antibiotic resistance and antibiotic sheltering, particularly in the context of co-bacterial infections. I graduated from Biotechnology Engineering from Tecnológico de Monterrey in Mexico. I joined S2BN to help fellow graduate students in exploring new career prospects.

Partnerships Team

Maryam Fard

Logistics Coordinator

PhD Candidate

I am a fourth year PhD candidate in Chemical Engineering and my research focuses on converting organic waste into biofuels. This not only addresses the issues of waste management but also contributes to reducing greenhouse gas emissions while advancing green energy production. Just as my research embodies a practical application of science to business practice, I am passionate about translating scientific discoveries into real-world solutions too. That’s why I joined S2BN and look forward to collaborate with this team in networking and skill-building events.
Thank you to our sponsors:

Past Team Members


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