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Meet Our London Team
The S2BN team at the University of Western Ontario works collaboratively to host events for graduate students looking to enhance their skillset and prepare themselves for the workforce after completing their graduate studies.
Contact the Western Chapter of the S2BN at:

TianDuo Wang
PhD Candidate
I am currently a 4th year PhD student in medical biophysics. My research interests are in developing gene-based systems for cancer detection and therapy. Pursuing industry and entrepreneurial ventures is a definitely a career path I am considering post-graduation, however, I was not sure how to gain exposure and experience in these fields. Thus, when I learned about the desire to establish a Science 2 Business network in London, I thought this would be a great opportunity to help graduate students, myself included, expand our knowledge of industry and build connections.

Simran Sethi
PhD Candidate
I am a third-year PhD candidate in the department of medical biophysics. My research focus is in the field of fetal MRI with a specific interest in fetal tissue relaxometry and developing MR-based technique to quantify fetal myelin in utero. I got interested in S2BN because I believe that graduate students, particularly those in STEM, should be exposed to careers and opportunities outside of the world of academia.

Joselia Carlos
MSc Candidate
I am a 2nd year Masters student in Medical Biophysics at the University of Western Ontario. I am currently investigating a novel receptor that mediates vasoconstriction in the smooth muscle cell layer of blood vessels. We hope to identify this receptor as the new therapeutic target in cardiovascular disease. I decided to join S2BN because I am a huge promoter of bridging the gap between academia and industry. Similarly to a lot of graduate students, I am also trying to figure out what to do with my research degree. I hope to transfer the skills I’ve acquired in my graduate studies to industry jobs.

Gabriel Benigno
PhD Candidate
Currently, I am a 2nd-year PhD candidate in the department of applied math at Western University. I also previously completed my MSc in Medical Biophysics. My research interests include the use of signal processing, nonlinear dynamics, and machine learning to answer neuroscientific questions. I joined S2BN to better unite my science and business interests.

Mai Sonpaveerawong
MSc Candidate
Hello all! I'm Mai, a MSc candidate in Microbiology & Immunology at Western currently studying how the antibiotics-resistant bacterium causes staph infections. I became interested in the world of microbes through my undergraduate internship working in a microbiology lab at Agriculture Canada (AAFC) that screens for bacterial and viral pathogens in environmental samples. Then, I conducted my fourth year thesis at the Heinrichs lab where I continued on for my graduate training. After graduation, I hope to apply analytical skills and scientific knowledge to put forward innovations in the biotech industry.

Alicia Cronin
PhD Candidate
I am a 3rd year PhD candidate in Medical Biophysics. My research focuses on developing a new MRI technique, Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST), for the imaging of the spinal cord in patients with Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy. As I am progressing throughout my graduate career, pursuing a career in industry is something I am considering. However, I realized that my knowledge of the different opportunities in industry is limited. Joining S2BN has given me the opportunity to help graduate students, like myself, learn more about the different opportunities in industry and build connections.

Gabriel Onea
PhD Candidate
I am in my 4th year of PhD studies in the Department of Biochemistry and my research interests involve using molecular biology techniques in cell-based and mouse models to determine the function of a conserved protein complex. Over the course of my studies, I realized that I like working in a collaborative setting and developing solutions to diverse problems related to medical treatment. The Science to Business Network not only exposes me to a variety of professionals with common interests, but it also keeps me up-to-date with the current problems in the medical field!

Melissa Kang
PhD Candidate
I am starting the first year of my Ph.D. in Public Health and Health Systems, and have recently graduated from my Master’s degree in the Health and Rehabilitation Sciences. My Ph.D. research will focus on how the older adult’s social networks/support systems (both structural and functional) could impact their brain health (i.e., cognitive functions and neurological disorders) using a mixed-methods sequential explanatory design. I believe there is a paucity of information and resources available for graduate students regarding how they can translate their education and knowledge to diverse career paths. I joined S2BN because I resonated with its vision to help graduate-level trainees build their professional networks and develop careers outside of academia.
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